Stop Smoking MasterClass
Achieve Mastery in Smoking Cessation
Come inside our hypnotherapy practice and learn how to successfully help your clients quit for good.
Each step of the process is simple, easy to apply and customizable!
Five Step Session
Client Focused
Join us in our hypnotherapy practice and learn our highly successful client focused stop smoking hypnosis method.
Using the Question Sheet
Watch the video to view a short clip of me using the stop smoking question sheet. The question sheet that I am using in this video is used in order to create a custom hypnosis session for your client.
During the first part of this stop smoking masterclass, we will teach you what questions to ask your clients in order to provide a stop smoking hypnotherapy session, which is personalized to each individual that comes into your hypnotherapy practice.
Explaining the Process
Watch the video to view a short clip of me explaining to my client what hypnosis is and how people generally feel after their stop smoking hypnosis session.
This is a particularly important stage of your stop smoking hypnosis session, but it can often be overlooked by many hypnotherapists. However, if it is used correctly it can increase your success rate tremendously. So, you will learn how to educate your clients about hypnosis and the three things that they will experience after their session. By learning how to do this, you will never have clients leaving your office thinking they were never hypnotized and ultimately start smoking because of it.
The Hypnotic Induction
Watch the video to view a short clip of me guiding my client into a deep state of hypnosis.
Once you have learnt about your clients smoking habit and found out the all the reasons why they want to stop smoking the hypnosis part of the session can then begin. You will do this by asking your client to get into a position that feels best for them. We never ask our clients to sit in a certain way, legs uncrossed and hands on their legs. Your client knows what feels comfortable, so let them decide how they want to sit but let them know that they can move if they do feel uncomfortable.
Stop Smoking Script
In this short video clip, I am using the stop smoking hypnosis script. This script uses the answers from the questions you asked during the first part of your session to create a custom stop smoking session for your client.
In this video you will learn how to use the question sheet to deliver a stop smoking script which is customized to each individual client you see at your hypnotherapy practice. We like to call this the fill in the blanks stop smoking hypnosis script and we know you will love it as much as we do.
Emerging From Hypnosis
Here you can view a short video of how we like to bring our clients out of hypnosis. The complete video and the full transcript of what to say to your clients when you bring them out of hypnosis is available once you purchase this stop smoking masterclass.
Imagine if you could continue to reinforce the stop smoking hypnosis suggestions in your client’s unconscious mind, even after they have left your office. Well, that’s what we’ll teach you to do. We’ll teach you how to bring your client out of hypnosis so the suggestions and the belief that they are a non-smoker are being reinforced constantly by their unconscious mind.
What's Included in the Stop Smoking Masterclass
Instructions Booklet
An instructions manual explaining how to use this method in your practice.
Step by Step Videos
A complete video that shows each stage of the stop smoking process.
Stop Smoking Session Transcripts
A written transcript of each part of the stop smoking session.
Custom Stop Smoking Hypnosis Script
A fill in the blanks stop smoking hypnosis script.
Stop Smoking Question Sheet
The exact same question sheet that we use at our hypnotherapy practice.
Reinforcement Stop Smoking Hypnosis Session MP3
A reinforcement session that you can give to your stop smoking hypnosis clients.